Lt. Col. Biju Warrier vs Aparna Nambiar

Biju Warrier vs Aparna Nambiar


In the emotionally charged case of Lt. Col. Biju Warrier vs Aparna Nambiar, the Kerala High Court delivered a critical judgment on child custody and maintenance. The case underlines the complexities of parenting agreements across international borders and highlights the court’s role in ensuring compliance with such agreements.


The matrimonial dispute between Lt. Col. Biju Warrier and Aparna Nambiar was initiated in 2008, leading to a series of legal battles over the custody of their minor son, Aditya. Both parties had previously reached a compromise that was documented in the Family Court, which included specific terms for the custody of the child and financial support. However, disagreements persisted, particularly around the execution of the agreed terms, prompting Lt. Col. Warrier to file a Writ Petition (Criminal) in the Kerala High Court.

Key Arguments

The petitioner, Lt. Col. Warrier, argued that the respondent, Aparna Nambiar, failed to comply with the custody arrangement agreed upon in 2009. He sought intervention from the High Court to enforce these terms, especially given the respondent’s relocation to the United States and sporadic visits to India, which complicated the custody schedule. The respondent, on her part, cited difficulties in obtaining leave and renewing visa papers as reasons for her non-compliance and expressed her willingness to adhere to the court’s directives upon her return to India.

Court’s Observations

The High Court, led by Justices K.T. Sankaran and M.L. Joseph Francis, scrutinized the submissions from both parties and the prior agreements detailed in the court’s records. The justices focused on the welfare of the minor child and the feasibility of the existing custody arrangement given the geographical and logistical challenges posed by the respondent’s relocation.

Court’s Decision

The court decided to enforce the previously agreed terms, with some adjustments to accommodate the challenges presented by the respondent’s circumstances. Notably, the court facilitated digital communication (via Skype) between Lt. Col. Warrier and his son to maintain their relationship despite physical distances. The court also adjusted the custody days to compensate for the periods when the child was not made available according to the agreed schedule.


The judgment in the case of Lt. Col. Biju Warrier vs Aparna Nambiar reaffirms the importance of adhering to court-sanctioned compromises and the adaptability required by the judiciary in cases involving cross-border elements. The decision underscores the court’s commitment to the best interests of the child while balancing the parental rights and responsibilities, ensuring that both parties fulfill their agreed-upon obligations despite international barriers.


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