Michelle Kayzad Marker Nee Michelle … vs Kayzad Aspi Market on 15 September, 2022

Introduction: The case of Michelle Kayzad Marker nee Michelle Fraser vs. Mayzad Aspi Marker was brought before the Bombay High Court in Notice of Motion No. 2 of 2018. The matter pertained to a Parsi Suit and an appeal related to it.

Michelle Kayzad Marker Nee Michelle

Background: The dispute involved Michelle Kayzad Marker, formerly Michelle Fraser, as the plaintiff, and Mayzad Aspi Marker as the defendant. The specifics of the dispute were not mentioned in the available information. However, it can be inferred that the case likely involved familial or matrimonial issues given the nature of the suit.

Key Arguments: The arguments presented by Ms. Taubon F. Irani, representing the plaintiff, and Mr. Rumi Mirza with Mr. Kaushal Thakkar, representing the defendant, were not disclosed in the available information.

Court’s Observations: The observations made by Justice N.J. Jamadar were not detailed in the provided text. However, it can be assumed that the court listened to the arguments presented by both sides and decided to list the Notice of Motion along with connected matters for hearing on October 6th, 2022.

Court’s Decision: Justice N.J. Jamadar decided to schedule the hearing for Notice of Motion along with connected matters on October 6th, 2022. The specific reasons for this decision were not mentioned in the available text.

Conclusion: The Bombay High Court, under the jurisdiction of Justice N.J. Jamadar, scheduled the hearing for Notice of Motion No. 2 of 2018 along with connected matters for October 6th, 2022. The case involves legal proceedings between Michelle Kayzad Marker nee Michelle Fraser and Mayzad Aspi Marker, though the exact nature of the dispute remains undisclosed in the provided information.

Reference: https://indiankanoon.org//doc/109724706/

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